Internationale Workcamps in Italien für Jugendliche

Freiwilligenarbeit in Italien

Freiwilligenjobs in Europa - Workcamps & Freiwilligencamps

Hier eine Nachricht eines italienischen Trägers, Workcamps und Freiwillencamps in Italien veranstaltet:

A 90 years long story...

Sinnvoll Ferien verbringen: Soziales, Ökologie ...

Born in 1920 when a group of international volunteers met in Verdun, France to rebuild the village distroyed during the first world war, the international voluntary camps have done a long path, involving today hundreds of organizations and more than 25.000 volunteers every year.

Strongly focused on peace and social justice promotion, the voluntary camps do cover a wide range of activities and themes: from the environment protecion to the international solidarity, to the fight against social exclusion to the support to cultural events and traditions, from peace to gender issues..

The base of international voluntary camps is the will to act concretely, to be directly active in solving problems and supporting local communities with a concrete approach.

The international voluntary camp

  • Each camp is a unique experience, where people from different countries and cultures gather together to achieve a common goal.
  • Each camp last from 10 days to 3 weeks, always involving an international group.
  • Working hours are normally from 4 to 6 every day, according to the needs of the local project/community and in agreement with all the volunteers.
  • Basic english is normally the commong language but some projects require the knowledge of the local idioma.
  • Beside the support to the local community, each project give the opportunity to meet people from different cultures and share some common working/living days, breacking possible stereotipes and cultural barriers, facilitating the knowledge of other habits..

Workcamps in Italy


Our organization offer this year 8 camps in Italy, from June to the end of August, in different regions in the norgh and in the south.
They take place in natural reserves, in ecological farms, in historical centre and communities for kids or immigrants with a wide range of activities opportunities.


How to take part
The minimum age to participate in our camps is 16 and the maximum is 70. The average age of the participants is 24.
If you are from one of the following country, please contac the mentioned organization to get involved in our camps.

If you are from Germany, please contact us directly at and we will give you info on how to participate, or contact

Each organization will provide you info on how to apply
